The Tucker Middle School band program is led by Mrs. Min Edwards and is a comprehensive middle school symphonic band offering in-class instruction to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at Tucker Middle School, as well as after and before-school practice. There are several ways that Mrs. Edwards and the TMS Band are successful. First, TMS Band offers students the opportunity to pursue the instrument of their choice. We feel the student will be prone to success on their instrument of choice.
Second, we firmly believe self-discipline is the cornerstones of our program. All of our students represent their family, community and school, which is why we do not tolerate unruly behavior in our program. We are a community service based program that firmly believes parental support and involvement is essential to our success. When we perform we will strive to give the best presentation possible.
At Tucker we set the standard. We set our goals and objectives high and we are expected to achieve them.
Our band motto, “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work” is what it’s all about for us. We are a team, a family of individuals who rely on each other to do their part in this program. We practice and study hard to make our band “second to none.” It is truly a a group effort from our newest band members to all of our Band Booster Volunteers.
And lastly, we don’t “play” band. “We do band,” the way it is intended to be done. We offer our students the opportunity to participate in district honors band auditions, solo and ensembles, brass, woodwind and percussion ensembles. We want the students experience in band to be pleasant and rewarding. Hopefully this will continue at the high school level.
We want every member of the band to be proud when they announce that they are a member of the Tucker Middle School Band.